DON’T NOD – Call for strike action on Thursday 12 and Friday 13 December 2024

This is the fifth week of industrial action since the announcement of a layoff plan aimed at firing 69 people at Don’t Nod, and the studio’s bosses are still content to send us a weekly email explaining why we’re wrong to complain.

Don’t be alarmed, Oskar Guilbert insists in every message that he’s suffering from the situation just as much as we are, if not more. Perhaps he could call the helpline he has set up for us, instead of having a real social dialogue?

We are not looking for sympathy, we are looking for a response to our precise and documented demands, formulated more than a month ago and reaffirmed since then by a movement that is not weakening.

What we want

  • We demand that the company immediately abandon this irresponsible and unfair layoff plan.
  • We demand that workers, who are the most qualified for it, have a say in all decision-making.
  • We demand that Oskar Guilbert take part in the negotiations and assume his responsibilities as CEO.

Thursday December 12 is the next day of negotiations on the layoff plan between the STJV and Don’t Nod senior management, the last before the end of the year.

In order to support our representatives in their talks with management, we are calling on our colleagues to continue their mobilisation with a one-day strike on Thursday December 12. This day will also see a national day of strike for jobs, to which the STJV has called to take part in.

A picket line will be set up in front of the studio. We invite anyone interested to come along and support us. More details to follow.

This strike will be extended to Friday 13 December if there is no significant progress in negotiations.

Strike fund

To support employees in their fight to save their jobs, we have set up a strike fund:

Many of you have already donated and left us messages of encouragement, thank you so much! <3

Our fight won’t be possible without your help.

Comptes - Le Syndicat des Travailleurs et Travailleuses du Jeu Vidéo
Site hébergé par OVH - 2 rue Kellerman - 59100 Roubaix - France