[08/31/2024] Update from the Spiders workers’ action committee: Spiders management met with workers on Friday morning. We are pleased to have had the opportunity to discuss a number of issues with them, but we are still waiting for concrete measures and commitment from them. A second open meeting is scheduled for Monday morning. We are maintaining our call for a strike next week. A picket will be held on Monday morning starting at 9:30 a.m. in front of Spiders’ offices at 6 Rue André Voguet in Ivry-sur-Seine, and we are inviting our supporters to join us there. Workers will also be meeting online.
This open-letter from workers at Spiders to their employers is being published by the STJV at their request. Spiders is a paris-area studio 100% owned by Nacon. It produced games such as Greedfall and Steelrising, and is currently working on Greedfall 2 and an unannounced project.

This letter to our management follows an earlier open letter and a strike on January 19, which management has chosen to ignore. Since then, new negotiations have begun on wages, and conditions in the studio have continued to deteriorate. Today, it is with regret that we speak out publicly, in the hope that this will finally push management to act in the best interests of employees and the company.
This document covers several years of known problems, which have been greatly amplified over the past year with the arrival of the current head of the company : instability, opposition to anticipating problems and securing working conditions, global mismanagement, turnover and recruitment problems, unacceptable delays in achieving gender equality and parity, important lack of transparency, denial of problems, refusal to acknowledge worker representation and blocked negotiations.
As of August 28, 2024, this letter has been signed by 43 workers at Spiders, out of 95.
We had demanded that the head of the company receive a delegation of Spiders’ workers to discuss all these points. She accepted, the delegation came to a meeting on August 27 and then waited in vain for the management to come, which it never did.
Call for strike action during the week of September 2
In light of management’s continued refusal to discuss, take the problems raised seriously and act to rectify them, we are calling on Spiders workers to go on strike during the week of September 2, 2024, on the basis of the demands set out above.
In particular, we will be organizing pickets on September 2 and 3 in front of the company’s offices and online on a Minecraft server created for the occasion.
We are inviting our relatives, friends, supporters, workers in the industry in general, journalists and political actors to join us at the pickets.
To help us strike, and if you have the means to do so, you can make a donation to the STJV strike fund, which has been activated for this strike at the request of the STJV section. Instructions on how to donate can be found on this page. Don’t hesitate to specify “Spiders” in the reference of your transfer. We’ll keep track of the sums paid to workers.
For any questions, messages of encouragement or inquiries, we invite you to contact in priority the Spiders workers’ action committee: . As a second resort, you can contact the STJV union section, which will pass on messages: .
Do not hesitate to ask for the files of the cartoons used in the letter, we can provide them by email.